“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle
International students arrived early, for a week-long orientation. I was the only law student; and, apparently fell into a category of “mature student” – not necessarily a lovable label.
For life-long learners out there like myself, be prepared to ignore this label (and all undesired labels) and continue making connections and finding likeminded souls – those who love to travel, learn, and meet people – because our hearts are open, our minds are wise, and we span all ages and nationalities.

Sample Modules? And, Pick?!
At UL, we sample modules for two weeks before making final selections. This may sound strange, but a gift in practice – a chance to really consider and commit to your academics.
In my first class, Dr. Coffey announced he was here to be our “guide on the side” – his heartfelt attitude toward our genuine learning distinctive and admirable. He went on to provide an overview of Policing and Human Rights (the next day, International Criminal Law), and detailed upcoming experiential learning trips, the laws we would explore, and the thinking we were allowed to do. I was hooked!
UMass Law approved my final selections without complication. For those considering a law semester abroad, note that I reserved the majority of my electives and exercised deliberate planning with esteemed advisors. Both UMass Law and UL were extremely helpful and supportive. Special thank you to Dean Mitnick, Dean Specer, Dean Cahill, Dean Quinn, Professor Flanagan, Professor Rudko, Dr. Coffey, Nancy, Gina, Dan, Gavin, and Ally.

The University of Limerick is huge, with the Law School taking only a portion of the Foundation Building.
My classes are in both the Foundation Building and the Main Building. I was psyched to get them all on a Monday through Wednesday schedule, allowing ample time for travel throughout Europe. Follow my IG to see more photos.
Because our Professors post generous material online, I can pretty much work in any café in any country. A way of life I have indeed become accustomed to. If you have a passport, why not use it?
Class Dynamics
My classes are comprised of students not only from all over the world, but from various educational programs. At UMass Law, we study with other law students. Here, I get to study with Barristers and Solicitors, Garda, Human Rights Activists, Counselors, and more. Some of my classmates are pursuing a Masters in Human Rights, while other are almost done with a Masters of Law. We have classmates in other programs and as well as those merely taking a module for career broadening.
I appreciate the life-experiences and contributions of the varied expertise in the physical and online classrooms. The ability to apply knowledge and understanding to actionable results is how the world evolves.

Experiential Learning
Each of our Professors coordinated guest lecturers for us. Whether it’s a trip to the Garda Station on Henry Street, a day at the Garda Training College, a trip to The Hague to tour the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, inviting a French Professor to teach us Criminal Justice from the French perspective, or coordinating multiple podcasts with experts in Youth Crime – these professors are grand. They have created an academic experience far surpassing expectations.
Something UMass Law and the UL School of Law have in common is the desire to ensure their students can go on to practice the law, fully prepared and extremely competent. Our field demands we be zealous and ethical advocates for our clients and communities. My most cherished part of this study abroad is the school and how much it complements UMass Law.