“Tragedies are Local”
I had a delightful chat with one of my mentors. She is a fearless leader, a former United States military officer, and highly skilled in preparedness and risk management, something I’ve also studied at length. I will see if she is open to an interview, but one thing she said that I believe will resonate with both the UMass Community and the University of Limerick Community is this: “Tragedies are very local and personal.” Take a minute to let that sink in. How much has COVID19 interrupted life as you know it and what are YOU doing to help our world fight this and recover from it?
Community Leadership in Action

I promised volunteering ideas, so below please find a few. Pease use the comments section of this blog to share any of your additional recommendations.
If you don’t elect to volunteer formally, you can help people in your community who need groceries, lawn care, prescription pick-ups; you can provide emotional support via social media; you can make sure you’re following the CDC and the WHO so that you can personally be a part of our local and global solutions as opposed to contributing to this contagious problem, terrorizing the globe.
Even in troubling times, there are helpers; even when there seems to be no hope, a silver lining presents itself. Look for the good in absolutely everything, especially during these challenging times.
Volunteer Opportunities
Operation Warm offers 25 volunteer opportunities you can partake in from home
Become a Red Cross Volunteer
The United Nations offers 108 volunteer opportunities
Deaconess helps identify how to make masks and where to deliver them
Caremongers in Reston, VA offers a place where those at increased risk or disadvantage from the COVID19 Pandemic can find assistance or relief. Redistribution of necessary and limited resources. A place where those that Can help Do. “The sky is the limit, while we limit the Spread! Pick up and Deliver Groceries, medications etc to those who are at higher risk or increased disadvantage. #SpreadLoveNotCOVID19” Andy, I am so proud of your efforts leading community support like this! Great work!!
Learn where you can make a Blood Donation
Volunteer Match allows you to share your skills and see how you could be matched with volunteer opportunities. This is where I found my certification to become a Hospice Volunteer.
!Update: Drivers Need for Incident Command; Supplies Requested; Taking Mask Cloth Donations at Johns Hopkins (Thank you, Peggy!)
“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” — Rosa Parks